Hospitality is an important part of the life of St. John’s. It is both the means by which we as a Parish continue to share in the gifts of community and enjoy the fellowship of one another after we leave the Altar and come together at Coffee Hour, or celebrate special moments in the life of the Parish such as birthdays, baptisms, Annual Parish Meetings, Lenten Soup Suppers, etc.
It is also the way we extend our hospitality to others beyond the congregation offering an enlarged and expanded welcome in all that we do: by making pies for inclusion in the Town’s Thanksgiving Day baskets; through Church dinners which contribute to the Church’s Outreach work and stocking the Larder and preparing hors d'oeuvres for the Fete Preview Party.
Something is always going on at St. John’s and we need volunteers. Please contact Corinne Johnson if you are willing to help.