St. John's currently has 21 parishioners who have been licensed by the Diocese to serve as Lectors, Lay Readers and Chalice Bearers.  Their role is to facilitate the worship of the church by reading from Holy Scripture, offering prayer, and leading various offices of the church. A Lector is trained to read from Holy Scripture, and may assist in the administration of the chalice.  A Lay Reader may read from Holy Scripture, Lead the Prayers of the People, assist in the administration of the chalice, and officiate at Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer.  A Chalice Bearer receives the elements of bread and wine at the altar, and helps administer the chalice during the Eucharist. A special license from the diocese is required.


The role of LEMS at St. John's is extremely important. It is the way members of our community of faith who are unable to attend Sunday services can receive the Eucharist and continue to feel a part of the Parish. It is also an opportunity for the congregation to keep abreast of what is happening in the lives of our parishioners who may be ill, infirm or isolated so that we can know how we can more fully serve their needs.



The Greeters and Ushers are the face of St. John's on Sunday morning, welcoming both visitors and members of the Parish at the door.

The Ushers and Greeters ministry is a vital part of the worship service. Its purpose is to ensure that all visitors are made to feel welcome at St. John’s.  They also see that parishioners’ needs are met, that portions of the service flow smoothly, and that the church is left in good condition for the next service.  Their role as an Usher or Greeter is very important to parishioners and visitors.  They make everyone feel welcome when they enter the church, help them find seats, and ensure that everyone is informed of what is expected during the service (through the use of the bulletin).  They represent the entire congregation in the offering of bread, wine and monetary contributions to the altar.