The St. John's Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity, is undertaking and funding an important renovation project at St. John's Church in Washington, CT. This is a blog that will help communicate our progress. Welcome, and thanks for checking in!
I'm just getting up to speed on posting online; I've previously recorded information about our progress in a document Click HERE. This blog will pick up where that document left off, meaning the first entries are retrospectively added here in order to get us up to date.
We have an important and possibly final site visit scheduled with our engineering firm Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE) for tomorrow (Thursday) morning. I'll try to get us caught up before then so I can report on that site visit in a timely post!
Worth Bracken (President, St. John's Foundation)
October 27, 2024
I visited the site briefly and looked at new repointing. Here are a couple of pics:

October 29, 2024
As the pictures below show, one of the coping stones that we're replacing on the facade is crumbling as Ben and Pete work to remove it.