Here is a way you can give... We want to emphasize that stewardship is not just about money, pledges, open plate offerings, and special seasonal and emergency collections. It really is about the gifts of time and talent as well. Many of our members and friends give very generously of their time and spiritual gifts to make this parish work: in liturgy, music, hospitality, Christian education, parish governance, outreach, pastoral concern, and in representing St. John's in some of the ecumenical and interfaith outreach programs in which we participate, as well as in countless other ways.
Volunteers are needed for any number of aspects of our common life together. ALTAR GUILD volunteers should contact MB Witt. USHERS/GREETERS should contact Hunter Brown. READERS should contact Holly Flor. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (a.k.a. "Chalicers") should contact Fr. Geoff. VEEJAYS new VJs contact Joseph Claro. HOSPITALITY contact Tillie Page Laird or MB Witt. FLOWER GUILD members should contact Suzie Markert. PROPERTY COMMITTEE volunteers should contact Susan McFeely. OFFICE volunteers should contact Dawn Rosiello, Admin. Fr. Geoff will also soon be organizing instruction and training for EUCHARISTIC VISITORS.
We are in need of Greeters for In-Person services. Please consider volunteering to assist with this important ministry. Greeters are the first point of contact for newcomers or others needing assistance on Sunday mornings. The Greeters are responsible for the first impression people have when they walk through our doors on Sunday morning.
If you'd like to learn more or sign up to become a greeter, please contact the Church office.
A plea for Lay weeders to weed the gardens around the Parish House, Rectory, and Church. Job-sharing is an option - teams of lay weeders considered. Weekend weed warriors are welcome to apply. The Church is an Equal Opportunity Employer, this position is open to men and women; children and adults; saints and sinners! No prior experience necessary, on-the-job training will be provided. To apply, choose your plot (available plots are color-coded on the plan of each building); print your name in the space alongside your chosen plot on the chart posted in the Narthex, and then get down on your knees and weed! Your reward will be in heaven but earthly bonus of personalized weeder kneelers will be presented to all successful applicants.
OR Plant hydration specialists to water the geraniums in the planters on the Church steps and outside the Parish House. Job-sharing is an option - mid-week and weekend waterers are needed. The Church is an Equal Opportunity Employer, the position is open to men and women; children and adults; saints and sinners! No prior experience necessary, on-the-job training will be provided. Custom watering cans will be made available to successful applicants. E-mail applications to [email protected]. No earthly compensation, your reward will be in heaven.
Contact the Church office if you like to get your hands dirty.