This, and every Sunday, we invite you to join us in-person or online with your family and friends at 10am on Facebook. Please check back often for upcoming events that engage with our ministries online.
Upcoming Events and Announcements
COFFEE HOUR is after the 10:00 Service. We need more volunteers to join our Hospitality Group to host or co-host coffee hour. It’s easy to do…all you need to provide are small bites, coffee, tea, and beverages. Coffee hour promotes lively conversation and warm social mingling for our church family and guests on Sunday mornings.
Click the IMAGE below to view the sign-up sheet.
Please contact Corinne Johnson to sign up to volunteer for one of the Coffee Hour Sundays.
An informal, child-friendly worship service for the entire family!
October through May on Sunday mornings, once a month
10 a.m. service
Upcoming Events
Sunday, February 2, 2025
in the Parish Hall
following the 10:00 Service
This is a time for the congregation to elect their representatives on the Vestry, including a Warden, a Clerk, three Vestry members, and Diocesan delegates, as well as a time to ask questions about the published Annual Reports and the 2025 Budget, and to respond to Fr. Geoff’s “State of the Parish” address. Mark your calendars now!
This flyer meets the “Notice” requirements
of the Parish By-Laws for all Parish Meetings
Following the 10 a.m. service, there will be a pot-luck luncheon in the Parish Hall. A sign-up sheet to contribute something will be available in the Parish House. Thank you in advance for signing up.
St. John's Reading Club
Louise Penny's "The Beautiful Mystery" to gather for a Group Discussion via ZOOM, so start reading now.
No outsiders are ever admitted to the monastery of Saint-Gilbert-Entre-les-Loups, hidden deep in the wilderness of Québec, where two dozen cloistered monks live in peace and prayer. Ironically, for a community that has taken a vow of silence, the monks have become world-famous for their glorious voices, raised in ancient chants whose effect on both singer and listener is so profound it is known as "the beautiful mystery."
Continued -
But when the renowned choir director is murdered, the lock on the monastery's massive wooden door is drawn back to admit Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and Jean-Guy Beauvoir of the Sûreté du Québec. There they discover disquiet beneath the silence, discord in the apparent harmony. But before finding the killer, before restoring peace, the Chief must first consider the divine, the human, and the cracks in between.
The St. John's Reading Club is open to the public and meets regularly via ZOOM to discuss a novel previously selected. It is assumed that all participants will have already read the book by the time of the meeting, at which all will be welcome to discuss their reactions to the work with all the others gathered.
Adult Bible Study
"The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah""
Fridays at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Library Beginning Friday, January 31st
Fr. Geoff, our Priest-in-Charge, is leading a serious weekly study of the Book of the Christian Scriptures. The class is open to all interested persons in the community. BYOB, bring your own Bible. Spread the word!
Washington Refugee Resettlement Project (WRRP) is an IRIS Community Co-Sponsor!
If you would like to VOLUNTEER, click HERE for an online application to fill out for one of the many teams needed. If you want to donate to support our efforts, Click HERE. If you want to stay connected, click HERE for updates.