Past Sermons and Prayers of the People - The Rev. Dr. Geoff Hahneman


April 23, 2023: Two on the Road to Emmaus


April 16, 2023: Thomas the Doubter and Believer


April 9, 2023: Easter Sermon

March 26, 2023: Waiting and Weeping


March 19, 2023: Sins of the Father


March 12, 2023: The Woman at the Well


March 5, 2023: Jesus and Nicodemus


February 26, 2023: The Garden of Eden


February 22, 2023: Jogging


February 19, 2023:: Affirmation


February 12, 2023: Mosaic Law


February 5, 2023: Emotional Fast


January 22, 2023: Call of the Disciples


January 15, 2023: Jesus and John the Baptist

January 8, 2023: The Two Nativity Stories


January 1, 2023: Happy New Year


December 24, 2022: Christmas Eve 2022


December 18, 2022: Septuagint and The Virgin Birth


December 4, 2022: The Hero Journey


November 27, 2022: Advent


November 20, 2022: Stewardship 2022


November 13, 2022: The Episcopal Church


November 6, 2022: Election Day and the Beatitudes


October 30, 2022: Halloween


October 23, 2022: Pride


October 16, 2022: The Unjust Judge


October 9, 2022: Thankfulness 


October 2, 2022: Apostolic versus Prophetic


September 25, 2022: Lazarus at the Gate 


September 18, 2022: Dishonest Manager

September 11, 2022: Lost and Found


September 4, 2022: Slavery


August 28, 2022: Including the Excluded

Jesus Healing the Woman


August 21, 2022: Jesus and the Sabbath


August 14, 2022: Family Values


July 31, 2022: A Question of Values


July 24, 2022: The Lord's Prayer


July 17, 2022: Martha and Mary



July 10, 2022: ARAINISM, GOD is Three



July 3, 2022: NESTORIANISM, God is One


June 26. 2022: DOCETISM


June 19, 2022: GNOSTICISM

The Holy Trinity


June 12, 2022: Trinity/The Fourth Century


June 5, 2022: Pentecost


May 29, 2022: Thoughts and Prayers


May 8, 2022: The Spiritual Realm


April 24, 2022: How Will God Recognize You?


April 17, 2022: Easter Service


April 14, 2022: Maundy Thursday


April 3, 2022: The Magician


March 27, 2022: The Martyr


March 20, 2022: The Warrior


March 13, 2022: The Wanderer


March 6, 2022: From Innocent to Orphan


March 2, 2022: Olympic Discipline


February 27, 2022: Moses

Jesus and the Children


February 20, 2022: Infant Baptism

February 13, 2022: "Epiphany" by Sara Coles


February 6, 2022: The Consolation of Israel


January 30, 2022: The Homecoming


January 23, 2022: Christian Unity


January 16, 2022: Mary, the Mother of Jesus


January 2, 2022: The Left Behind Child


December 26, 2021: On the Right Path - Laura Daly


December 24, 2021: Home for the Holidays

Blessed Mother & Jesus


December 19, 2021: The Magnificant

December 12, 2021: Advent Mystery


December 5, 2021: Lost Children

November 28, 2021: "Advent" by Sara Coles


November 21, 2021: Christ the King


November 14, 2021: Magnanimity


November 7, 2021: Stewardship


October 31, 2021: Ruth and Naomi



October 24, 2021: Blind Bartimaeus

The Epistle


October 17, 2021: The Epistle to the Hewbrews

Pearl Necklace


October 10, 2021: The Treasurer


October 3, 2021: Job

Esther standing in the Inner Court


September 26, 2021: Esther and Purim

The Road Less Traveled


September 19, 2021: Life is Hard

September 12, 2021: Twentieth Anniversary of 9/11

Syro-Phoenician woman


September 5, 2021: Jesus and the Other

Charles Lowder


August 29, 2021: Charles Lowder

King Solomon


August 22, 2021: Wise King Solomon

The Last Supper


August 15, 2021: Food, Glorious Food

Jesus Feeds 5000 People


August 8, 2021: Bread of Heaven



August 1, 2021:  Spiritual Maturity

Loaves and Fishes


July 25, 2021: Serving the Tables


July 18, 2021: The House of God


July 11, 2021: The Ark of the Covenant


July 4, 2021: The Divine Right of Kings

David and Goliath


June 27, 2021: Good King David

Great Sinners


June 20, 2021: Great Sinners

The Sower


June 13, 2021:  The Abundance of God's Goodness


June 6, 2021: Give us a King

The Trinity


May 30, 2021:  Trinity Sunday

May 23, 2021: You Are Not Alone

Saul on the road to Damascus


May 16, 2021: Paul, One Untimely Born

St. Peter


May 9, 2021: Peter and the Five Hundred

Saint James the Just


May 2, 2021: James and Mary, Mother of Jesus

The Resurrection


April 25, 2021: The Beloved Disciple

The Road to Emmaus


April 18, 2021: Two on the Road to Emmaus

Doubting Thomas


April 11, 2021: Our Scars

The Empty Tomb


April 4, 2021: The Women at the Tomb - Looking on From A Distance

The Last Supper


April 1, 2021:  ANAMNESIS

I Will, With God's Help


March 21, 2021:  Respecting the Dignity of All

I Will, With God's Help


March 14, 2021: Loving Our Neighbors

I Will, With God's Help


March 7, 2021: Proclaim By Word and Deed

I Will, With God's Help


February 28, 2021: Persevering

I Will, With God's Help


February 21, 2021:  Apostolic Way of Life


February 17, 2021: Ashes

Ship at sea during storm


February 14, 2021: Aloneness


February 7, 2021: Tragic Optimism

Diversity & Inclusion


January 31, 2021: Broken Truth



January 24, 2021: Jonah and Nineveh



January 17, 2021: Not Bethlehem

Torn Apart


January 10, 2021: Torn Apart

Holy Innocents


January 3, 2021: The Nativities

Star of Bethlehem


December 24, 2020: Prophets of Old - Christmas



December 20, 2020: Prophets of Old - Isaiah

Prayers of the People



December 13, 2020: Prophets of Old - Jeremiah

Prayers of the People

Hosea - Marriage


December 6, 2020: Hosea

Prayers of the People

Amos, the Prophet


November 29, 2020: Amos

Prayers of the People

Sheep & Goats

November 22, 2020: The Sheep and the Goats

Prayers of the People

Parable of the Talents


November 15, 2020: The Parable of the Talents

Prayers of the People

Broken World


November 8, 2020: How Covenants Make Us

Prayers of the People




November 1, 2020: Peacemakers

Moses and Nebo


October 25, 2020: Exodus

Parable of the two sons


September 27, 2020:  The 'Yes, Sir' and 'Hell, No' Brothers

Moses in the Wilderness


September 20, 2020: Moses and the Wilderness

Moses Parting the Red Sea


September 13, 2020: Moses & the Red Sea

Moses & the Passover


September 6, 2020: Moses & the Passover (part 3)

Moses in a Basket


August 30, 2020: Moses and the Burning Bush

Moses in a Basket


August 23, 2020: Moses



August 16, 2020: The Story of Constance and Her Companions

St. Barnabas


August 9, 2020: The Story of St. Barnabas

Jacob Wrestling


August 2, 2020: Jacob and Esau 2

Jacob & Rachel


July 26, 2020: Jacob and Rachel

Jacob & Isau


July 19, 2020: Jacob and Isau

The Constitution


July 5, 2020: The Heads of State



June 28, 2020: Abraham & Isaac

Hagar & Ishmael


June 21, 2020:  Isaac & Ishmael

Abraham & Sara


June 14, 2020: Abraham & Sarah

The Trinity


June 7, 2020: The Nicene Creed

The Human Body


May 31, 2020: The Body of Christ

8 Track Tape


May 24, 2020: What Are We Selling

Saint John's Church


May 17, 2020: Why are you Here

The Way of Love


May 10, 2020: The Way of Love

The Good Shepherd


May 3, 2020: Finding Meaning in the Crucifixion and Resurrection

Breaking of the Bread


April 26, 2020: Emmaus

Doubting Thomas


April 19 2020: Thomas, Faith and Reason

April 12, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS seventh in a seven-part series “the Resurrected One”

April 9, 2020: Maundy Thursday

April 5, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS The Passion - sixth in a seven-part series “the suffering servant”

March 29, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS the fifth of a seven-part series “the one sent from God”

March 22, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS the fourth of a seven-part series “a teacher with authority”

March 15, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS the third of a seven-part series “a worker of wonders”


March 8, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS - the second of a  seven-part sermon series "a follower of John"

March 1, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS - a seven-part sermon series   “a man from Nazareth”

February 26th, 2020: Ash Wednesday