Past Sermons and Prayers of the People - The Rev. Dr. Geoff Hahneman
March 26, 2023: Waiting and Weeping
January 29, 2023: Eating More Than Our Share Of Radishes
January 8, 2023: The Two Nativity Stories
December 4, 2022: The Hero Journey
September 11, 2022: Lost and Found
July 10, 2022: ARAINISM, GOD is Three
February 13, 2022: "Epiphany" by Sara Coles
December 12, 2021: Advent Mystery
November 28, 2021: "Advent" by Sara Coles
September 12, 2021: Twentieth Anniversary of 9/11
May 23, 2021: You Are Not Alone
April 12, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS seventh in a seven-part series “the Resurrected One”
April 9, 2020: Maundy Thursday
April 5, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS The Passion - sixth in a seven-part series “the suffering servant”
March 29, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS the fifth of a seven-part series “the one sent from God”
March 22, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS the fourth of a seven-part series “a teacher with authority”
March 15, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS the third of a seven-part series “a worker of wonders”
March 1, 2020: A LIFE OF JESUS - a seven-part sermon series “a man from Nazareth”
February 26th, 2020: Ash Wednesday